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Choose the journal from the list to which you want to submit your article.
Materials science and technology
Journal of Vibroengineering
Comprehensive platform for advancements in the field of vibration engineering
1050 EUR
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology
1050 EUR
Journal of Measurements in Engineering
Theoretical and practical advancements in the field of measurements, including instrumentation, sensor technology, data processing, and diverse engineering applications
750 EUR
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology Instrumentation Technology
750 EUR
Mathematical Models in Engineering
Mathematical results and models specifically applicable to engineering science, technology, and their practical applications across various disciplines
350 EUR
Applied Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications of Mathematics
350 EUR
Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences
Intricate nature of living organisms and their systems, emphasizing holistic relationships and the novel techniques for assessing complexity in health-related contexts
Public, Environmental and Occupational Health Health Policy and Services Health Care Sciences and Services
Journal of Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
Recent advancements and practical applications focusing on the integration of mechatronics and artificial intelligence
Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Multidisciplinary Engineering
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems
Novel and innovative insights to the field of mechanical engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Sustainable Technologies for Green Economy
New technologies for sustainability concepts in the natural resources and energy sectors
Industrial Engineering Environmental Engineering
Journal of Engineering and Thermal Sciences
Fundamental and applied aspects of thermal science and engineering
Multidisciplinary Engineering Industrial Engineering Thermo Dynamics
Robotic Systems and Applications
Fundamental and applied aspects in robotics
Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Engineering Robotics
Material Science, Engineering and Applications
Latest developments in materials science and engineering
Multidisciplinary Engineering Materials Sciences, Characterisation and Testing
Jaw Functional Orthopedics and Craniofacial Growth
Original scientific articles presenting information that is new and relevant to jaw functional orthopedics
Health Care Sciences and Services Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine
Liquid and Gaseous Energy Resources
Devoted to transportation of liquid and gaseous energy resources: hydrocarbons, crude oil, oils, petroleum, water, hydrogen, biofuel
Energy and Fuels Petroleum Engineering
Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring
Devoted to the fields of plant maintenance, asset management, reliability, condition monitoring and related areas
Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Engineering
Smart Cities and Advanced Technology
Quality academic research, innovative work, novel ideas along with governance and policy issues related to the development of smart cities
Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Interdisciplinary
Advanced Manufacturing Research
A wide scope of research with advanced manufacturing technologies, materials, techniques, processes, systems, and applications
Industrial Engineering
Advances in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
Carbon capture utilization and storage
Environmental Engineering
Sports, Performance and Wellbeing
Explores biomechanics, physiology, and wellbeing to advance sports performance and health
Physiology Sport Sciences
72nd International Conference on VIBROENGINEERING
ML and AI in Transport, Aerospace, and Mechanical Engineering
500 EUR
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology Multidisciplinary Engineering
500 EUR
73rd International Conference on VIBROENGINEERING
Vibration Processes and Systems in Engineering and Industry
300 EUR
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology Multidisciplinary Engineering
300 EUR
Journal of Vibroengineering
1050 EUR
Comprehensive platform for advancements in the field of vibration engineering
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology
Journal of Measurements in Engineering
750 EUR
Theoretical and practical advancements in the field of measurements, including instrumentation, sensor technology, data processing, and diverse engineering applications
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology Instrumentation Technology
Mathematical Models in Engineering
350 EUR
Mathematical results and models specifically applicable to engineering science, technology, and their practical applications across various disciplines
Applied Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications of Mathematics
Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences
Intricate nature of living organisms and their systems, emphasizing holistic relationships and the novel techniques for assessing complexity in health-related contexts
Public, Environmental and Occupational Health Health Policy and Services Health Care Sciences and Services
Journal of Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
Recent advancements and practical applications focusing on the integration of mechatronics and artificial intelligence
Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Multidisciplinary Engineering
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems
Novel and innovative insights to the field of mechanical engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Sustainable Technologies for Green Economy
New technologies for sustainability concepts in the natural resources and energy sectors
Industrial Engineering Environmental Engineering
Journal of Engineering and Thermal Sciences
Fundamental and applied aspects of thermal science and engineering
Multidisciplinary Engineering Industrial Engineering Thermo Dynamics
Robotic Systems and Applications
Fundamental and applied aspects in robotics
Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Engineering Robotics
Material Science, Engineering and Applications
Latest developments in materials science and engineering
Multidisciplinary Engineering Materials Sciences, Characterisation and Testing
Jaw Functional Orthopedics and Craniofacial Growth
Original scientific articles presenting information that is new and relevant to jaw functional orthopedics
Health Care Sciences and Services Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine
Liquid and Gaseous Energy Resources
Devoted to transportation of liquid and gaseous energy resources: hydrocarbons, crude oil, oils, petroleum, water, hydrogen, biofuel
Energy and Fuels Petroleum Engineering
Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring
Devoted to the fields of plant maintenance, asset management, reliability, condition monitoring and related areas
Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Engineering
Smart Cities and Advanced Technology
Quality academic research, innovative work, novel ideas along with governance and policy issues related to the development of smart cities
Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Interdisciplinary
Advanced Manufacturing Research
A wide scope of research with advanced manufacturing technologies, materials, techniques, processes, systems, and applications
Industrial Engineering
Advances in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
Carbon capture utilization and storage
Environmental Engineering
Sports, Performance and Wellbeing
Explores biomechanics, physiology, and wellbeing to advance sports performance and health
Physiology Sport Sciences
72nd International Conference on VIBROENGINEERING
500 EUR
ML and AI in Transport, Aerospace, and Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology Multidisciplinary Engineering
73rd International Conference on VIBROENGINEERING
300 EUR
Vibration Processes and Systems in Engineering and Industry
Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Technology Multidisciplinary Engineering
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